Hi there! Thank you for being here and having an interest in getting to know me better :) I’ll share a bit of my background here and my journey through sound. My name is Kenneth Gough aka “Keng Doja” and I grew up on the Centra Coast in the  sweet little town of San Luis Obispo, California. I have always been so inspired by music and the potential harmony that goes along with it. I grew up Catholic and we lived right across the street from the Mission Church in downstown SLO. I remember walking across the street every Sunday for Mass and being so captivated when all of the voices of the choir would come together to create these beautiful and rich, resonating sounds that reverberated around the church’s massive interior adobe walls. Once I started singing along, there came a deep joy within my heart and that feeling has been the main reason why music is still such an important part of my life.

Whether singing or playing musical instruments my parents have always been super supportive of keeping music in my life. It was always a dream of mine to become a Rock Star” and I remember rocking out with my brothers and having so much fun playing our air guitars, singing and jumping through construction paper that we hung up in a doorway, pretending we were crashing onto a stage. Those were the days!  I started playing drums somewhere around the age of 7 and took a few lessons. My mom also says I drew a bit of a crowd one day while playing the harmonica on a street corner in downtown SLO when I was really young as well. I then went on to play the piano and got to do a few recitals. I even took some lessons on the accordion before taking on the clarinet and later the alto saxophone in our middle school band class. 

My Mom used to play the guitar quite a bit when she was younger so there was always one hanging around the house when I was growing up that I would noodle around on but it wasn’t until I was about 18 years old and moved down to San Diego that it really stuck as my instrument of choice. Something about the guitar that, quite literally, resonates deep within my heart. I really enjoy the portability of it and being able to share songs wherever I go as it makes a really great companion to sing along to. The majority of my music these days all starts on the guitar but theres a couple song that came through while playing the piano. 

Anywho, I hope you enjoy the tunes here and that we get to see you out there in the real world sometime soon. May you take good care of yourself and all that surrounds you

in Truth & Love,
